A new year is about to begin and this is the perfect time for new beginnings in both your personal and professional life.
In the professional aspect, the consultants of the employment center for new Olim and returning residents are waiting for you in branches located all across the country with job offers in a variety of fields.
Alongside plans to advance your career, it is worthwhile to take advantage of the vacation days the holidays offer, travel and have a taste of what Israeli culture has to offer in a variety of fields: music, theater and cinema.
Sukkot holiday has become a celebration of Israeli culture, which includes many events and festivals taking place throughout the country, attended by some of the best culture figures and artists.
Following is a list detailing few of the most prominent events that are loved by the audiences and attended by thousands of people each year:
- Abu-Gosh Vocal Music Festival taking place for 27 years in the Arab village located in the breathtaking mountains landscape, about a 15-minute drive from Jerusalem.
This year there will be concerts with orchestras, choirs and soloists from Israel and from all around the world, and you can combine culture with a culinary experience and taste the local flavors in one of the restaurants that serve authentic Arab cuisine.
Dates: 28.9 – 1.10
For more details: http://www.agfestival.co.il/en
- Acre Fringe Theatre Festival that takes place in historic sites throughout the old city of Acre and includes original plays, which take place in the Knights Halls, alongside street performances, live sculptures, artists fair and attractions for kids.
Dates: 24.9 – 27.9
For more details: http://www.accofestival.co.il
- Rishon LeZion Music Festival includes performances by more than 100 Israeli musicians – singers and bands, traditional and contemporary, rock and pop concerts, Mediterranean music, classical Israeli songs and live performances for kids.
Dates: 24.9 – 29.9
For more details: https://www.carnifest.com/events/israel/rishon-leziyyon
- Tamar Music Festival that takes place in the enchanting desert landscape of the Dead Sea area, near Masada. The festival includes performances by popular and loved Israeli singers, including live performances that take place at sunrise on Masada, in a unique atmosphere that combines music, history and the breathtaking landscape of the Dead Sea and the desert.
Dates: 25.9 – 28.9
For more details: https://www.touristisrael.com/tamar-festival
- Binyamina Festival for Israeli Art will focus this year on Israeli artists that have made long careers in Israeli music: Shlomi Shabat, Nurit Galron and Teapacks band. The festival will include live performances, exhibitions and workshops of Israeli artists and performances for the general public.
Dates: 25.9 – 27.9
For more details: https://www.facebook.com/binyamina
- For camping lovers, the Timna Live Rhythm Festival that includes performances by young artists, including Neta Barzilai with the song Toy, the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest. The festival takes place in Timna Park, located north of the city of Eilat, in which there are magnificent sculptures created by nature, including the Mushroom and King Solomon’s pillars. Alongside live performances by Israeli artists, there will be rhythm, dance and creative workshops. The site also includes a camping compound for visitors.
Dates: 28.9 – 30.9
For more details: http://www.parktimna.co.il/minisites/timnalive2018
- The International Film Festival that takes place in Haifa for the past 34 years. It includes premieres of Israeli films and international cinema. The Haifa festival also includes daily events that take place each evening and are open to the public: live performances, outdoor film screening and artists fair.
Dates: 22.9 – 1.10.
For more details: https://www.haifaff.co.il/eng
We wish you Shana Tova, happy holidays ?? and a fun vacation!